Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fun One

The manic babies moved on and we became the "daycare dudes".... The gang and I hung out for awhile, but since we were totally dependent on our moms, the gang got smashed up. The moms, they saw the chaos we could bring so they split up the crew and we all ended up at other daycares. That backfired. We organized and assimilated and became a baby super gang. We were just waiting for real school to demonstrate our power and authority. Man if social media had existed back then we would rule the world now.

The "terrible twos" were sure terrible for me .....I got noticed and labeled; "fire maker", "arsonist", "whats wrong with that child", " hyper monkey". Then the federal government got involved......of course once they heard about me it took awhile for them to get it together, make a plan and execute it. On my fourth birthday the U.S. military built a fence around my parent's house. Really they did, it was the first fence they had ever built around a house on that base. (I think 8 feet may have been excessive, but I did build multiple tunnels.) My dad was in training for Vietnam in California at a tank base. They used the excuse "I might hurt myself ", " I might get run over by tanks" I couldn't outrun a tank at 4!  We all know, really, they were scared of me. I mean really afraid!!! They also wanted to clone me..... I was a super hyper monkey robot sniper kid and the Feds wanted my destructive powers  and mobility. I know they filmed me to try to figure what future droids might be like. When I went into the ER for sutures they took extra blood so they could figure out what made me tick so they could use it to dope up soldiers and create super men like Captain America. I am sure they considered dropping me behind enemy lines.


While looking for ways over the fence I discovered trampolines! I needed one. I really needed one.... Do you understand? I really needed one!!!! Once the tunnel system and Bat cave were done, my dudes and that cute pigtailed shorty began to party at my place. I was a player, swinging from the chandeliers, jumping all over the place, couches were trampolines. Then my mom made a decision...... if I was outside the fence, I was other people's problem and a trampoline might wear me out. Now I know that seems naive and dangerous but remember I was her first child, she was young, and reading Dr. Spock and she had already tried to kill me once. I was growing on her though. She really loved me during those 2 to 4 hour night naps.

Trampoline days, wow, it was a crazy wild time, fruit punch galore, sugar, candy, soda, caffeine, front and back flips .....frequent ER trips.....all good!


Then dad got transferred to Vietnam and we moved to my grandparents in Oklahoma.

Excerpt from next blog......

The School Paradox

I love the learning, but school didn't appear to be about learning as much as control. A little prison for my creativity. It was all about conforming and I watched my bros falling into the system. Compliance was not my strong suit and so the battle between man and society began....

Future blogs will include; grandparents in training ,dangeroos, granddads and grandmas are a good thing, the good, bad, ugly and other attorney stories, med school house of pain and pleasure, elementary school my dear Watson, monkey he is my brother, wife number one, wife number two "the devil", wife number three "the angel", advice on relationships, happiness, life and pork products, fire monkey, the ants they must burn, med school debauchery, the lake life, high school is cool please take me back, strippers, when the lights turn on....

That's it for today,

See ya,

Take care!

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