Monday, October 29, 2012


Hello Satan! Its me, Ragan Blood. You see, I am so frustrated and bored. I want to come back. My mom explains I came from where you are. My mom and sister hope you arrange to get me soon. School's a drag and nothing new is ever happening. I'm getting bigger and my cowboy outfit doesn't fit me anymore. The school doesn't allow me to bring toys from home. I hear where you are, it is nice and warm like Arizona and all kinds of activities are available. Please come get me now!
Hello, Lil Ragan! Sorry I missed your call. I apologize for not responding to your first 132 voice messages. It is a real busy time for me. Don't worry! You can always call and leave a message. We sure miss you here. But it is time for you to grow and develop and earth is the best. It has become my best work. Don't give up so easily. It always gets better and more exciting.

You have so much to look forward to in adventures. There is Vegas, Wall Street and Macau. Sports cars, strip joints, whiskey, beer, drugs and high school girls. Become a banker, politician, bureaucrat or medical board administrator and wreak havoc. It is fun! There will be so much more to explore. You guys come up with new stuff all the time that we haven't even dreamed of down here. I think youre a real promising prospect and I am impressed by your work so far.

Did I mention naughty high school girls?

Don't give up! Call again if you have concerns or need advice. It gets MUCH better, Lil Ragan!

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